Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Funny how time changes everything. How growing up pulls us apart, makes us different and changes us.

Once we were attached at the hips, but the years between childhood and adulthood disintegrated the rope that held us together. As we got older we choose different roads for our lifes. We lost the small things that held us together, forgot what we once had. Our views changed and our friendship began to change.

Now we only remember our friendship when we need something, when no one else is around, and sometimes we all together forget about it.

Friendship is complicated. It's like a  flower, it needs water, food, nourishment, and love to stay alive. Once you stop feeding it and cover it from the sun, it easily begins to die.

We've grown apart and even though we were best friends, in some cases sisters, or favorite cousins whatever the case was we have become strangers. Sharing only the basics of our lives now. We keep secrets, we know nothing about each other and sometimes we're not even comfortable in the presence of each other. Our friendship is nonexistent.

The only thing that holds us to each other now are our memories and the impact we had in each others lives. Friendships where not meant to always last forever, but it was fun while it lasted.

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